Welcome to SmartEats - Back To School Program !

Are you a mom gearing up for the new school year and wondering how to ensure your kids are getting the right nutrition to fuel their long school days? Introducing the SmartEats Program – Back to School Edition, a comprehensive guide tailored just for you!


The SmartEats Program is designed to empower moms with the knowledge and practical tools to provide their children with optimal nutrition during the school year. From packing a balanced lunch box to managing picky eating, this program covers everything you need to know to keep your kids healthy, energized, and ready to thrive.

Who is it for?

This program is perfect for moms whose kids are heading back to school and who want to ensure they’re making the best nutritional choices for their children. Whether your child is a picky eater, an active athlete, or somewhere in between, this program will provide the guidance you need.

Program Features

Three Zoom Meetings

Join three interactive Zoom sessions (recordings available for those who can’t attend live) where you’ll learn from expert and get your questions answered.

Like-Minded Community

Connect with other moms who share your concerns and goals. Exchange tips, support each other, and build lasting friendships.

Weekly Meal Plans with Recipes

Receive a 3-week meal plan complete with easy-to-follow recipes, ensuring your child gets the nutrition they need without the stress of planning.

Daily Nutrition Guide

Receive daily nutrition tips handouts & interactive materials. access daily Q&A with Basma your program leader, where you can get personalized advice and solutions to your specific challenges.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to give your kids the best nutritional start to the school year. Sign up for the SmartEats Program – Back to School Edition today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier school year for your children!

About Me

Hello, my name is Basma, a Certified Kids Nutrition Specialist, pharmacist, and IIN Health Coach with over five years of experience in child nutrition and picky eating. As a mom of two, I understands the challenges and joys of raising healthy eaters. With a proven track record of helping over 3,000 moms through courses and consultations, I’m dedicated to making mealtime enjoyable and nutritious for your little ones.

What Will You Learn?

Throughout the program, you’ll dive into essential topics that are crucial for your child’s nutrition and well-being:


“Very rich content & organized with realistic advice. I also loved the questions & discussion part where you did not rush and gave enough time for everyone & didn't leave till you made sure no one had any questions. Thankful for attending this course with you that I'm already recommending to everyone I know”
“Basma You're just an amazing , well prepared, friendly and patient person bgd I loved u so much i feel like u r one of my family. It was an amazing course full of info. Thank you for your effort.

SmartEats - Back To School

لو إنتي أم وبتستعدي لبداية العام الدراسي الجديد، وبتسألي نفسك إزاي تضمني إن ولادك بيحصلوا على التغذية الصحيحة اللي تساعدهم في أيام المدرسة الطويلة، يبقى برنامج  العودة إلى المدرسة هو اللي إنتي محتاجاه!

الهدف من البرنامج

برنامج مصمم عشان يساعد الأمهات على فهم وتطبيق التغذية الصحية المثالية لأولادهم خلال السنة الدراسية. من تجهيز علبة غداء متكاملة إلى التعامل مع الأكل الانتقائي، البرنامج ده هيغطي كل اللي إنتي محتاجاه عشان ولادك يكونوا بصحة كويسة، مليانين طاقة، وجاهزين للنجاح.

مين ممكن يستفيد؟

البرنامج ده موجه للأمهات اللي ولادهم رايحين المدرسة، وعاوزين يضمنوا إنهم بيعملوا أحسن اختيارات غذائية لأولادهم. سواء كان طفلك من اللي بينقوا في الأكل، أو رياضي نشيط، أو أي حاجة في النص، البرنامج ده هيديكي الإرشادات اللي إنتي محتاجاها.

هتتعلمي إيه؟

خلال البرنامج، هتتعرفي على مواضيع مهمة جدا لصحة وتغذية طفلك

مميزات البرنامج

اجتماعات على زووم

3 انضمي لـ 3 جلسات مباشرة على زووم (التسجيلات متاحة للناس اللي مش هيقدروا يحضروا المباشر) هتتعلمي فيها من الخبراء وتقدري تسألي كل أسئلتك.

مجتمع داعم

تواصلي مع أمهات تانية عندهم نفس اهتماماتك وأهدافك. اتبادلوا النصايح، وادعموا بعض، وكونوا صداقات قوية.